Why Safeguarding Adults Week matters

A real-life case study shows why the work we do to safeguard vulnerable adults is so important. We got a call about a customer who needed support as their partner, who usually provided care, had to go to hospital. Neighbours noticed disturbances at night and strange comings and goings.

A visit from our Community Safety Manager with the customer’s social worker revealed a shocking state – hazardous waste everywhere, unknown people who’d moved in, and a bedridden customer unable to escape the chaos.
The team swung into action. With the agreement of the customer, the unwanted guests were asked to leave. Our Property Care team changed the locks and set up a key safe for caregivers. GCH then arranged for social services to do a deep clean of the home and also ensured the customer had enough food to last until their next visit from social care.

Working in partnership with other agencies, we were able to protect a vulnerable adult from a potentially dangerous situation and measures are now in place with social services to support the customer. We all play a role in creating a safe and supportive environment, so that no vulnerable adult is left without the care and protection they deserve.
