GCH and NHS pilot home improvements to tackle respiratory health conditions

Image of lungs on photograph of body

60 GCH customers diagnosed with a chronic long-term respiratory condition have accessed free home energy efficiency improvements and heating.

The ‘Warmth on Prescription Scheme is a Countywide scheme.

GCH/NHS Respiratory Pilot

This pilot scheme seeks to improve tenants’ health, or any other member of their family living in a GCH home, by improving the energy efficiency of their home. If the scheme is a success we can deliver these improvements to many more of our tenants.

Originally open to 20 GCH customers, an incredible 60 customers were accepted on to the pilot scheme which will involve us making improvements to their home’s energy rating to see if these improvement works will have a positive impact on their chronic respiratory condition (for example by replacing their heating system, improving wall cavity or loft space insulation).

Any work identified to improve the energy efficiency is completely free of charge for all GCH tenants.

Improving the energy efficiency of homes can also help to reduce the cost of energy bills.


Warm Home Prescription Scheme 

Applications to the pilot scheme are now closed.

150 people with cold-sensitive health conditions who were struggling with heating costs in Gloucestershire took part in a scheme called ‘Warm Home Prescription’. The scheme aimed to help these people to have their energy bills paid between November 2022 and March 2023. This scheme was open to all residents of Gloucestershire and not just GCH tenants.

The Warm Home Prescription is a support scheme for the most vulnerable people who are affected by the rise in the cost-of-living, helping to keep them well at home.

The scheme aims to identify the benefits of a warm home upon cold-sensitive conditions, to look at the impact. Residents accepted onto the scheme were prescribed a heating plan to keep their home at temperatures recommended by public health guidance, support people with further energy efficiency information and signpost to other services that could help.

A smaller trail look place last winter in Gloucestershire and participants said they felt warmer and healthier, less stressed about bills and less likely to visit their GP or hospital. Health workers said it was a quick to prescribe, practical solution which had an immediate positive impact.

To be eligible participants were diagnosed with chronic lung conditions such as emphysema, chronic bronchitis and bronchiectasis were either under 60 and in receipt of free NHS prescriptions, or over 60 and struggling to pay their heating bill.
