How we are run

Our Board is made of up 11 non-executive directors who provide strong, focused governance on behalf of our residents.

The Board plays an important role. They bring independence, impartiality and a breadth of experience and specialist knowledge to the organisation. They represent and reflect our communities with an active commitment to achieve equality of opportunity, diversity and inclusion in all our services and activities.

The Board is served by four main Committees: Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee; Homes and Communities Committee, Colleagues and Culture Committee and Customer Experience Committee. 

Our subsidiary company, Nerva Homes Limited to provide design and build services to GCH with a view to creating efficiencies with any future savings channelled to support the GCH’s core charitable objectives.

The Board has adopted the National Housing Federation Code of Governance 2020.

The role of our board is to: 

  • Set and monitor our strategic direction, making sure our plans are financially viable and effectively delivered.
  • Set and actively drive our social purpose, mission, values, and ambitions.
  • Regularly consider and define the culture and behaviours that best enables us to deliver its mission and values.
  • Embed resident focus, integrity, openness, and accountability.
  • Have systems in place that are open and transparent to our residents, regularly publishing information about our performance and our services. 

Manage all of our risks and obtains robust assurance that we:

  • Have effective systems and measures in place to keep our residents and staff safe.
  • Comply with all legal, statutory, regulatory and constitutional requirements.
  • Have systems in place that provide for strict financial and budgetary control that safeguards our viability and protects the long-term interests of our residents and taxpayers.
  • Protect our social housing assets and the reputation of the sector.
  • Help GCH to be the best it can be.

GCH has a Board of Directors who are responsible for setting the policies of the organisation and overseeing the running of the company. 

Board members normally serve for three years however upon completion of their term they may stand to serve for a further term.

If you have any questions about the board and their work, would like to ask them a question or would like to know the date of the next upcoming meeting, please email

We hold 8 Board Meetings a year and you can view all the dates in our Board and Committee Calendar 2023/24.

You can read a summary of what was discussed at our Board meetings here:

May 2023 | June 2023 | August 2023 | October 2023 | November 2023  |  December 2023

February 2024 | March 2024 | May 15 2024 | May 22 2024 | June 2024

Click here to access our Board Member ‘Declarations of Interest’.

Click here to read our Board Equality and Diversity data.

Meet our Board of Directors

A photo of Board Member Maria Bond


Chair of Board

Dawn Barnes - GCH Board Member


Chair of Customer Experience Committee

A photo of Board Member Paul Roberts


Chair of colleague & culture committee

A photo of Board Member Tim Jackson


Chair of Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee

A photo of Board Member Matthew Sands


Chair of Homes and Communities Committee
chair of Nerva Homes



Board Member



Board Member



Board member

A photo of Board Member Jennifer Griffiths


Board Member

Liam Kelch - GCH Tenant Panel Meber


Board Member