GCH colleague helping a young girl with her painting

Customer Annual Report survey

We are pulling all the information together for this year's customer annual report. This will tell you how we are doing in our work to provide quality homes and services for you.

What are the important things you'd like to see in your customer annual report? Please rate the 10 items below on a scale of 1 to 5. You can add your own ideas and comments at the end.

Your views matter, so thank you for taking part!

score 1 star for not important and 5 for very important
score 1 star for not important and 5 for very important
score 1 star for not important and 5 for very important
score 1 star for not important and 5 for very important
score 1 star for not important and 5 for very important
score 1 star for not important and 5 for very important
score 1 star for not important and 5 for very important
score 1 star for not important and 5 for very important
score 1 star for not important and 5 for very important
score 1 star for not important and 5 for very important
please tell us if there is anything else you would like to see covered in the annual report